Sunday, 27 February 2011

Sleigh Bells Album

Bought it a few weeks ago now, been listening to it a lot; but not because I'm enjoying it. I wish I could get into this album, but it really is boring me.

The music itself is original and at first listen, pretty good. To me though, this is a one time album. I can't see how this album could be listened to over and over again, because it is soooo repetitive! There is hardly any variation. With any album, its important that the songs have some level of consistency because of course it is that bands take on music. BUT, to much similarity bores me.

An example of a group who got the balance just right, (and continue to do so), are The Wombats. Their first album is certainly one of my all time favvvs, due to the bouncy yet clever songs. Not like Jay Sean. But that's another rant for another day.X

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Skrillex produces the worlds greatest drop?

I don't need to write any thing, just listen to Skrillex's new song.
Skrillex new song.
Skrillex new song.
Skrillex new song.
Skrillex new song.
Skrillex new song.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Two Door Cinema - Tourist History

I only recently heard about this band, but never gave them a listen. Well eventually I got round to it, and quite liked the single I Can Talk. So one thing lead to another; before I knew it, I'd purchased the album.

Tourist History is a bouncy and happy album, which seems to have taken some inspiration from The Friendly Fires. I would even stretch to say that this album is quite relaxing to listen to, no harsh guitar solos, or overused bass drums.

My view on the album, pretty good. I'd give it a 4 out of 5. All the songs are catchy, but what stops this being a brilliant album is the fact that the songs all sound pretty similar. The vocals and music is sound all the way through.X

P.S. Forgot to review the Chase and Status album, but just so you know, it's amazing. 6 out of 5.